Under the Affordable Care Act, certain employers – known as applicable large employers – are subject to the employer shared responsibility provisions. You might be thinking about these topics as you make plans about 2021 health coverage for your employees.
Avoid Refund Delays by Renewing Expiring ITINs Now
People who are not eligible for a Social Security number must use individual taxpayer identification numbers (ITINs) if they have tax filing or payment obligations under U.S. law. Periodically and under certain circumstances, these ITINs expire and should be renewed as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary delays related to tax refunds next year.
10 Things About Reporting Farm Income and Expenses
Farms include plantations, ranches, ranges and orchards and farmers may raise livestock, poultry or fish, or grow fruits or vegetables. If you’re in the farming business or are thinking about it, here are ten things you should know about farm income and expenses.
Flexibility for Taxpayer Elections in Cafeteria Plans
Temporary changes to Section 125 cafeteria plans due to the coronavirus pandemic allow flexibility for taxpayers participating in cafeteria plans. These changes include extending the claims period for health flexible spending arrangements (FSAs) and dependent care assistance programs and allow taxpayers to make mid-year changes.
How to Prepare an Effective Business Plan
A business plan is a valuable tool whether you’re seeking additional financing for an existing business, starting a new company, or analyzing a new market. Think of it as your blueprint for success. Not only will it clarify your business vision and goals, but it will also force you to gain a thorough understanding of how resources (financial and human) will be used to carry out that vision and goals.
Ready to File? This Tax Records Checklist Will Help
If you’re a taxpayer who has not yet filed their 2019 tax return, you may be getting ready to do so now. One of the first things you will need to do – before visiting your tax preparer – is to gather all of your year-end income documents. Doing so ensures that your tax return is complete and accurate.
Here are some of the documents taxpayers need to have on hand: