Tax Planning

C Corporation Advantages and Disadvantages

What Are Some Advantages and Disadvantages of a C Corporation? C Corporations can provide significant advantages, particularly if your goal is to grow the company and eventually attract outside investors. C Corporations hold substantial benefits for investors who maintain their …

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Behind the Numbers: Unlock Business Opportunities

At Robert P. Russo CPA PC, we understand the thrill of entrepreneurship. We also recognize the challenges that come with it.

In the video below, Bob shares the process of helping clients in the ever-changing tax world and how his clients unlock opportunities. If you prefer, you can also read the transcript below.

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Russo CPA, Changing Jobs? Don't forget about Your 401(K). A woman shakes hands as she interviews for a job.

Changing Jobs? Don’t Forget About Your 401(k)

One of the most important questions you face when changing jobs is what to do with the money in your 401(k) because making the wrong move could cost you thousands of dollars or more in taxes and lower returns.

Let’s say you work five years at your current job. For most of those years, you’ve had the company take a set percentage of your pretax salary and put it into your 401(k) plan. Now that you’re leaving, what should you do?

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Russo CPA, What Are Estimated Tax Payments? A suited business man smiles as he looks through binoculars

What are Estimated Tax Payments?

Estimated tax is the method used to pay tax on income not subject to withholding, such as income from self-employment, interest, dividends, alimony, and rent and gains from the sale of assets, prizes, and awards. You also may have to pay an estimated tax if the income tax being withheld from your salary, pension, or other income is insufficient. Here’s what you should know about estimated tax payments:

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Certain Taxpayers May Need to File an Amended Return

Taxpayers who reported certain state 2022 tax refunds as taxable income may need to file an amended tax return. Affected taxpayers include those who filed before February 10, 2023, and meet certain requirements. Taxpayers who used a tax professional should consult with them to determine whether an amended return is necessary.

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RUSSO CPA Tax Tips, how filing status affects your tax return 2022

How Filing Status Affects Your Tax Return

A taxpayer’s filing status defines the type of tax return form they should use when filing their taxes. Filing status can affect the amount of tax they owe, and it may even determine whether they need to file a tax return at all. As taxpayers get ready for the upcoming filing season, let’s take a closer look at how filing status affects a tax return.

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RUSSO CPA Blog: Standard vs. itemized deductions

Closing a Business for Good

If you’re a small business owner who is thinking about closing your business for good, you should be aware that there is more to closing a business than laying off employees, selling office furniture, and closing the doors – you must also take certain actions as required by the IRS to fulfill your tax obligations. For example, if you have employees, you must file final employment tax returns as well as make final federal tax deposits of these taxes.

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Tax Tips Image: Neatly stacked pennies in an ascending line. Russo CPA Tax Tips 2023

Early Withdrawals from Retirement Plans

Many people find themselves in situations where they need to withdraw money from their retirement plan earlier than planned. Doing so, however, can trigger an additional tax on top of any income tax taxpayers may have to pay. Here are five things taxpayers should know about early withdrawals from retirement plans:

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