
File Your FBAR on Time to Avoid Penalties

Any U.S. person with a financial interest in or authority over foreign financial accounts may be required to file a Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR). An FBAR is required if the aggregate value of the accounts exceeds $10,000 at any time during the calendar year. FBARs are due April 15 of the following calendar year, though an automatic extension is allowed.

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Directional compass on turquoise background with the words tax tips.

How Flash Reports Help Companies Tackle Financial Uncertainty

Managing the financial performance of your business may sometimes seem like steering a ship through treacherous waters. Perhaps your voyage goes smoothly for a while until, quite suddenly, you hit a concerning dip or abrupt swell — either of which creates considerable operational pressure.

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A hand checking off boxes.

Is Your Business Required to Report Employee Health Coverage?

Employee health coverage is a significant part of many companies’ benefits packages. However, the administrative responsibilities that accompany offering health insurance can be complex. One crucial aspect is understanding the reporting requirements of federal agencies such as the IRS. Does your business have to comply, and if so, what must you do? Here are some answers to questions you may have.

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Russo CPA Tax Tip Article Image: Mouse Trap snapped closed on U.S. dollar pile

Handling Large Cash Transactions

Large Cash Transaction Reporting A reminder for businesses: Within 15 days of a $10,000 transaction, you must use IRS Form 8300 to report the transactions. If you file electronically, forms are delivered to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network. Paper forms are submitted …

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Avoiding a tax surprise when retiring overseas.

Avoiding a Tax Surprise When Retiring Overseas

Are you approaching retirement age and wondering where you can retire to make your retirement nest egg last longer? Retiring abroad may be the answer. But first, it’s important to look at the tax implications — because not all retirement country destinations are created equal.

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Russo CPA Tax Treatment of Selling Collectibles 2023

Tax Treatment of Selling Collectibles

If you enjoy collecting antiques and collectibles or investing in fine art, wine, or vintage cars, there may be a time when you’re ready to cash in and reap the financial rewards. But you need to be aware of the tax impact of selling collectibles.

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Golden Nest Egg on blue background: Russo CPA Tax tips article 2022

Reporting Gambling Income and Losses on Your Tax Return

If you aren’t in the trade or business of gambling, you should be aware that gambling winnings are fully taxable and must be reported as income on your tax return. Gambling income includes but isn’t limited to winnings from lotteries, raffles, horse races, and casinos, and also includes cash winnings and the fair market value of prizes, such as cars and trips. Here is what you need to know:

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File Cash Transaction Reports Electronically

Businesses that receive cash transactions of more than $10,000 must report these payments to the IRS. Now businesses can batch file their cash reports; this is especially helpful for those required to file many forms. Let’s take a look at several key points that taxpayers should know about reporting cash transactions.

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