Under Section 179 of the Internal Revenue Code, companies can “expense” the full cost of qualifying fixed assets to reduce their taxable income. This means they can deduct the purchase amount currently rather than having to depreciate the asset over many years. Both new and used fixed assets can qualify. The election is available for qualified property placed in service anytime during the tax year.
New Per Diem Rates for Business Travel
The IRS has announced the per diem rates for ordinary and necessary business travel expenses in the fiscal year 2023-24:
Deducting Business-Related Vehicle Expenses
If you’re self-employed and use your car, SUV, or other vehicle for business, you can deduct certain business-related vehicle expenses. Depending on the cost of operating the vehicle or how much you drive it, as well as how much of your use of the vehicle is for business purposes, this can add up to a significant tax deduction
Tax Breaks for Teachers and Educators
It’s almost time for the start of the new school year, and if you are a teacher or other educator, you should know that you can still deduct certain unreimbursed expenses. Deducting expenses such as classroom supplies, training, and travel will reduce your 2023 income tax liability. And you don’t even have to itemize to claim this deduction.
Deducting Medical and Dental Expenses
If you, your spouse, or your dependents had significant medical or dental costs in 2022, you may be able to deduct those expenses when you file your tax return this year. Here’s what you should know about medical and dental expenses and other benefits:
Employee Business Expense Deductions: Who Qualifies?
Before tax reform, an employee could deduct unreimbursed job expenses and other miscellaneous expenses that were more than two percent of adjusted gross income (AGI) as long as they itemized instead of taking the standard deduction. Starting in 2018, however, most taxpayers can no longer claim unreimbursed employee expenses as miscellaneous itemized deductions unless they are a qualified employee or eligible educator.
Small Business: Rent Expenses May Be Tax-deductible
If you’re a small business owner just starting out, you may not realize that some rent expenses may be deductible on your tax return. Here are some things small business owners should keep in mind when it comes to deducting rental expenses:
Small Business: Deducting Startup Costs
If you’ve recently started a business – or are thinking about starting a business – you should know that as an owner, all eligible costs incurred before you began operating the business are treated as capital expenditures. As such, they are part of the cost basis for the business.
Advertising and Marketing Costs May Be Tax Deductible
As a small business owner, you may be able to deduct advertising and marketing expenses that help bring in new customers and keep existing ones. Even better is that these deductions help small businesses save money on their taxes. Here’s what you need to know about this valuable tax deduction:
Reminder: Rules for Depreciation and Expensing
As part of final guidance issued that pertains to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, new rules and limitations are in effect for taxpayers who deduct depreciation for qualified property acquired after September 27, 2017. As a business owner, they could affect your tax situation. Let’s take a closer look: