If you employ a household worker who isn’t an independent contractor, you may be required to pay employment taxes on the worker’s cash wages. This is commonly referred to as the “nanny tax.”
Handling Large Cash Transactions
Large Cash Transaction Reporting A reminder for businesses: Within 15 days of a $10,000 transaction, you must use IRS Form 8300 to report the transactions. If you file electronically, forms are delivered to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network. Paper forms are submitted …
Got Cash? What To Do With a Windfall
A cash windfall is any amount of money that you didn’t expect to receive and is over your regular income. Most would consider it to be any amount over $1,000 – and quite often, the amount of money is much more than that. For example, you may have received a bonus at work, an inheritance, a legal settlement, a profit from selling a property or business, or won the lottery.
File Cash Transaction Reports Electronically
Businesses that receive cash transactions of more than $10,000 must report these payments to the IRS. Now businesses can batch file their cash reports; this is especially helpful for those required to file many forms. Let’s take a look at several key points that taxpayers should know about reporting cash transactions.