Business Tips

Cartoon-like rocket illustration shootind out of a thin laptop.

Tax Secrets: Optimizing Business Website Expenses

Most businesses have websites today. Despite their widespread use, the IRS hasn’t issued formal guidance on when website costs can be deducted.

However, there are established rules that generally apply to the deductibility of business expenses and provide business taxpayers launching a website with some guidance about proper treatment. In addition, businesses can turn to IRS guidance on software costs. Here are some answers to questions you may have.

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Be Aware of the Tax Consequences of Selling Business Property

You should understand the tax implications if you’re selling property used in your trade or business. There are many complex rules that can potentially apply. To simplify this discussion, let’s assume that the property you want to sell is land or depreciable property used in your business, which you have held for over a year.

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The Importance of Buy-Sell Agreements for Co-owned Businesses

Are you buying a business that will have one or more co-owners? Or do you already own one fitting that description? If so, consider installing a buy-sell agreement. A well-drafted agreement can do these valuable things:

  • Transform your business ownership interest into a more liquid asset,
  • Prevent unwanted ownership changes, and
  • Avoid hassles with the IRS.

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A hand checking off boxes.

Vroom Vroom: What Businesses Should Know about Sales Velocity

Owning and running a company tends to test one’s patience. You wait for strategies to play out. You wait for materials, supplies, or equipment to arrive. You wait for key positions to be filled. But, when it comes to sales, how patient should you be? A widely used metric called “sales velocity” can help you decide.

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How to Keep Control Over Inventory

Many businesses need to have some inventory available. However, having too much inventory is expensive, not just to purchase but also to store, safeguard, and insure. So, keeping your inventory as lean as possible is critical.

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Why ESG Should Be in Your Strategic Business Plan

When business owners and their leadership teams meet to discuss strategic planning, the primary question on the table is usually something along the lines of, “How can we safely grow our company to reach the next level of success?”

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Young smiling woman standing in front of a mainframe room with laptop in hand

A General Look at Generative AI for Businesses

If you follow the news, you’ve probably heard a lot about artificial intelligence (AI) and how it’s slowly and steadily expanding into various aspects of our lives.

One widely cited example is ChatGPT, an AI “chatbot” that can engage in conversations with users and create coherently written articles, as well as other content when prompted.

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5 Strategies for Improving Collections

Businesses that operate in the retail or restaurant spheres have it relatively easy when it comes to collections. They generally take payments right at a point-of-sale terminal, and customers go on their merry way. For other types of companies, it’s not so easy. Collections can be particularly difficult for business-to-business operations, which often find themselves in complex relationships with key customers. In these businesses, it’s often not as simple as “pay up or hit the road.”

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