Business Tips

Turquoise porcelain piggy bank with stethoscope and small pad with the letters HSA

How Tax-Smart HSAs Help Your Business and Employees

As a small business owner, managing health care costs for yourself and your employees can be challenging. One effective tool to consider adding is a Health Savings Account (HSA). HSAs offer a range of benefits that can help you save on healthcare expenses while providing valuable tax advantages. You may already have an HSA. It’s a good time to review how these accounts work because the IRS has announced the relevant inflation-adjusted amounts for 2025.

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Due Diligence Tips: Risks and Rewards in M&A Deals

When it comes to growth, businesses have two broad options. First, there’s organic growth — that is, progress made through internal efforts such as boosting sales, expanding into other markets, innovating new products or services, and improving operational efficiency.

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Advantages of Keeping Business Separate From Its Real Estate

Does your business require real estate for its operations? Or do you hold property titled under your business’s name? It might be worth reconsidering this strategy. Separating real estate ownership from the business may be a wise choice, with long-term tax, liability, and estate planning advantages.

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Illustration of a stylized cloud with a price tag

Businesses Should Stay Grounded When Using Cloud Computing

For a couple of decades or so now, companies have been urged to “get on the cloud” to avail themselves of copious data storage and a wide array of software. However, some businesses are learning the hard way that the seemingly sweet deals offered by cloud service providers can turn sour as hoped-for cost savings fail to materialize and dollars left on the table evaporate into thin air.

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Cartoon-like rocket illustration shootind out of a thin laptop.

Tax Secrets: Optimizing Business Website Expenses

Most businesses have websites today. Despite their widespread use, the IRS hasn’t issued formal guidance on when website costs can be deducted.

However, there are established rules that generally apply to the deductibility of business expenses and provide business taxpayers launching a website with some guidance about proper treatment. In addition, businesses can turn to IRS guidance on software costs. Here are some answers to questions you may have.

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