He’s only by the book when it comes to accounting;
in his interactions with people, he jumps off the page.
As the founder and principal of Russo CPA, P.C, Bob pleasantly surprises clients (plus the IRS and lawyers) with his proactive, caring, and interested approach. Bob’s authentic passion for both numbers and people is why his accounting firm is sought after by everyone from solopreneurs to CFOs. And it’s what energizes his fast-growing team of top CPAs who follow his lead by providing impeccable service to clients – without the CPA geek speak.
The only thing geeky about Bob is his favorite reading material: the latest tax regulations, codes, and rulings (so he can secure every possible tax advantage for his clients). You might mistake Bob for the charismatic entrepreneur and CFO behind an internet travel startup or a visionary real estate developer. That’s because he held those roles during his 30-year career as an accountant, which began at a high-profile accounting firm. While CPAs aren’t required to have “field” experience, the best ones do. But Bob doesn’t define success by his own achievements, it’s what he achieves for his clients. Because of his entrepreneurial past, Bob relates so well to his clients. In addition to serious tax savings most firms would miss, he empowers his clients with real-world accounting and financial insights to increase business.
Bob is even results-driven outside of work, whether it’s finishing the 2012 NYC Iron Man or volunteering for 12 years as President of a kids’ soccer league. While his bottom-line results are always impressive, what matters to Bob are the people who benefit from them.
When he’s not immersed in accounting, Bob is with his family, cooking up elaborate 18-course meals or globetrotting.