Although the chances of taxpayers being audited have declined in recent years, with taxes becoming more complicated every year, there is always the possibility that a tax mistake turns into an IRS tax audit. Avoiding “red flags” like the ones listed below could help.
Alert: Significant Increase in IRS Texting Scams – Smishing
To date, the IRS has identified and reported thousands of fraudulent domains tied to multiple text scams, known as smishing, targeting taxpayers. Recently, IRS-themed smishing has increased significantly. As such, taxpayers are reminded to be on the lookout for scams and schemes that could put sensitive tax data at risk – especially this latest IRS-themed texting scams aimed at stealing personal and financial information.
Understanding IRAs: Terms to Know
IRAs, or Individual Retirement Arrangements, provide tax incentives for people to make investments that can provide financial security for their retirement. To help people better understand this type of retirement savings account, here’s a basic overview of terms to know:
Beware Third Parties Promoting Improper ERC Claims
Taxpayers are always responsible for the information reported on their tax returns. Businesses are encouraged to be cautious of advertised schemes and direct solicitations promising tax savings that are too good to be true.
Deducting Casualty Losses on a Tax Return
Every year, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, wildfires, and other natural disasters affect US citizens. The bad news is that recovery efforts after natural disasters can be costly. For instance, when hurricanes strike, they not only cause wind damage but can cause widespread flooding.
Avoid a Tax Surprise: Check Your Withholding
While tax season may seem far away, the reality is that there are only two months left in the year. Now is the perfect time to review withholding and estimated tax payments to avoid a surprise tax bill next year.
Tax Deductions for Homeowners
For many people buying a home – whether it’s a fixer-upper in an up-and-coming neighborhood or that custom home you’ve always dreamed of – is a milestone event. While there is often a steep learning curve associated with buying and owning a home, there are also some perks – at least when it comes to taxes.
Use These Strategies To Pass on Wealth to Heirs
Individuals with significant assets should take advantage of proven tax strategies such as gifting and direct payments to educational institutions to transfer wealth to heirs tax-free, as well as minimize estate taxes. Additional opportunities are available as well, thanks to low-interest rates and a volatile stock market. Let’s take a look at some of them:
Lending Money to a Friend? It Pays To Plan Ahead
Lending money to a cash-strapped friend or family member is a noble and generous offer that just might make a difference. But before you hand over the cash, you need to plan ahead to avoid tax complications for yourself down the road.
Early Withdrawals from Retirement Plans
Many people find themselves in situations where they need to withdraw money from their retirement plan earlier than planned. Doing so, however, can trigger an additional tax on top of any income tax taxpayers may have to pay. Here are five things taxpayers should know about early withdrawals from retirement plans: